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Common Fire Minnesota

Common Fire Minnesota is one of the newest communities-in-progress. We started meeting in the late Spring of 2011, and we are in the initial phases of building our collective vision of the kind of community we want to live, work, and thrive in, and our collective understanding of who we are.

Currently, we are queer and straight, white and black and mixed race, Jewish, Catholic, and shamanic. Some of us are partnered, others are single, some are parents, and many live with animals. We are people in our late twenties, early and mid thirties, and mid fifties.

We are committed to building a community that includes the richness of both rural and urban life in Minnesota, and is grounded in the unique diversities that make Minnesota a fascinating, gorgeous, and challenging place to live. Our vision is to transform racial and economic injustice through multicultural community, interpersonal dialogue, and sustained engagement in socially just practices.